Twitter: LuxyHair
Youtube Channel: LuxyHair
Website: www.luxyhair.com
Specialties: Braids, extension hair-dos, sexy loose volume waves
2. Elessa
Professional Make-up Artist
Twitter: PurseBuzz
Youtube Channel: PurseBuzz
Website: Pursebuzz.com
Specialties: Wet-to-done hair, updo's, Lady GaGa Bow Hair, Fake Ab Makeup Tutorial
3. Imogen
Owner of FoxyLocks Hair Extentions
Twitter: ImogenFoxyLocks
Youtube Channel: FoxyLocksExtentions
Website: www.foxylocksextenstions.com
Specialties: Mohawk Poof, Extentions, teasing hair, barbie bombshell looks

4. BerlinHairbaby
Twitter: BerlinHairBaby
Youtube Channel: BerlinHairBaby
Website: BerlinHairBaby.com
Specialities: Greek goddess, twists, braids (dutch/french)
5. Jess

Youtube Channel: LolaMarie7
Website: facebook.com/lolamarie7
Specialties: Gretchen Rossi Hair, Texas Barbie Hair, Full volume flippy hair, complex Lauren Conrad Updo
6. Lilith
Twitter: ?
Youtube Channel: Lilithedarkmoo
Website: Glamtimehair.com
Specialties: Wedding buns, half up half down, summer hairstyles, glam looks
Follow them + invest your time in their videos + practice = YOU WILL BECOME A HAIR EXPERT!
Ill have to practice and watch these YT tubers!
This is such a good idea to learn how to do more things so i dont have to pay $$ at salon!
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